Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer on Ustream Live Tonight at 6pm

Practical Comfort Prayer Intercession

The chat room will be open about 5:30 pm. EST
Live Audio will start at 6:00 pm. EST
Click on this link to enter the room as a guest:
(Sign in to type in prayer requests and participate in chat)
You can search Practical Comfort in USTREAM Channel Search
and Click on our Lion

Prayer Agenda Tonight:
*Adoration of The Living God
* Intercession for the Body of Christ to Yeild to God's Desires
* Intercession for Nations
*Requests for Prayer
Send prayer requests before 5:30 pm via Twitter @PCPrayer (DM for privacy) or through Email PracticalComfort@yahoo.com Privacy will be respected.
If you miss our time of intercession you can still agree with us at your convenience as we have recorded prayer sessions currently available in our Practical Comfort Prayer Archive on UStream.
Thank you to all who support this Ministry of Intercession. Your help and agreement is greatly appreciated. Please email me and let me know how this ministry has blessed you and encouraged you. We stand untied in prayer until Jesus returns. Glory to God! Practicalcomfort@yahoo.com

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer and Intercession Live 6pm EST UStream.com

Practical Comfort Prayer
on USTREAM.com.
The chat room will be open about 5:30 pm. EST
Live Audio will start at 6:00 pm. EST
Click on this link to enter the room as a guest:
(Sign in to type in prayer requests and participate in chat)
You can search Practical Comfort in USTREAM Channel Search
and Click on our Lion

Prayer Agenda Tonight:
*Praising God with Psalms Of David continued
*Thanksgiving and Intercession for the Body of Christ
* Intercession and release of the Power of God for Nations
*Requests for Prayer
Send prayer requests before 5:30 pm via Twitter @PCPrayer (DM for privacy) or through Email PracticalComfort@yahoo.com Privacy will be respected.
If you miss our time of intercession you can still agree with us at your convenience as we have recorded prayer sessions currently available in our Practical Comfort Prayer Archive on UStream.
Thank you to all who support this Ministry of Intercession. Your help and agreement is greatly appreciated. Please email me and let me know how this ministry has blessed you and encouraged you. We stand untied in prayer until Jesus returns. Glory to God! Practicalcomfort@yahoo.com

Monday, December 14, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer for December 15th 2009 Live on Ustream pm EST

Practical Comfort Prayer
on USTREAM.com.
The chat room will be open about 5:30 pm. EST
Live Audio will start at 6:00 pm. EST
Click on this link to enter the room as a guest:
(Sign in to type in prayer requests and participate in chat)
You can search Practical Comfort in USTREAM Channel Search
and Click on our Lion

Prayer Agenda Tonight:
*Praising God with Psalms Of David
*Intercession for the Body of Chirst through Psalm 119
* Intercession For Peperation for the Comming of the Messiah
*Requests for Prayer
Send prayer requests before 5:30 pm via Twitter @PCPrayer (DM for privacy) or through Email PracticalComfort@yahoo.com Privacy will be respected.
If you miss our time of intercession you can still agree with us at your convince as we have recorded prayer sessions currently available in our Practical Comfort Prayer Archive on UStream.
Thank you to all who support this Ministry of Intercession. Your help and agreement is greatly appreciated. Please email me and let me know how this ministry has blessed you and encouraged you. We stand untied in prayer until Jesus returns. Glory to God! Practicalcomfort@yahoo.com

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer Tonight 6pm UStream

Practical Comfort Prayer
on USTREAM.com.
The chat room will be open about 5:30 pm. EST
Live Audio will start at 6:00 pm. EST
Click on this link to enter the room as a guest:
(Sign in to type in prayer requests and participate in chat)
You can search Practical Comfort in USTREAM Channel Search
and Click on our Lion

Prayer Agenda Tonight:
*Praising God for the beauty of His Holiness
*Intercession for those in fatigue from daily battles and distractions

*Blessings on the People of God
*Honoring God for Answers to Prayer

Send prayer requests before 5:30 pm via Twitter @PCPrayer (DM for privacy) or through Email PracticalComfort@yahoo.com Privacy will be respected.
If you miss our time of intercession you can still agree with us at your convince as we have recorded prayer sessions currently available in our Practical Comfort Prayer Archive on UStream.
Thank you to all who support this Ministry of Intercession. Your help and agreement is greatly appreciated. Please email me and let me know how this ministry has blessed you and encouraged you. We stand untied in prayer until Jesus returns. Glory to God! Practicalcomfort@yahoo.com

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer On UStream 6pm Tonight.

Practical Comfort Prayer Intercession
on USTREAM.com.
The chat room will be open about 5:30 pm.
Live Audio will start at 6:00 pm.

Click on this link to enter the room as a guest:
(Sign in to type in prayer requests and participate in chat)
You can search Practical Comfort in USTREAM Channel Search
and Click on our Lion

Prayer Adgenda Tonight:
*Praising God with our whole heart for his Powerful Love
*Intercession for Lawless, Deceived, Power Seekers, Misdirected
*Honoring God for Answers to Prayer
Send prayer requests before 5:30 pm via Twitter @PCPrayer (DM for privacy) or through Email PracticalComfort@yahoo.com Privacy will be respected.
If you miss our time of intercession you can still agree with us at your convince as we have recorded prayer sessions currently available in our Practical Comfort Prayer Archive on UStream.
Thank you to all who support this Ministry of Intercession. Your help and agreement is greatly appreciated. Please email me and let me know how this ministry has blessed you and encouraged you. We stand untied in prayer until Jesus returns. Glory to God! Practicalcomfort@yahoo.com

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer On UStream 6pm Tonight.

Practical Comfort Prayer Intercession
on USTREAM.com.
The chat room will be open about 5:30 pm.
Live Audio will start at 6:00 pm.

Click on this link to enter the room as a guest:
(Sign in to type in prayer requests and participate in chat)
You can search Practical Comfort in USTREAM Channel Search
and Click on our Lion

Prayer Adgenda Tonight:
*Entering His Courts with Thanksgiving and Praise
*Intercession for widows, orphans, rejected and oppressed
*Honoring God for Answers to Prayer
Send prayer requests before 5:30 pm via Twitter @PCPrayer (DM for privacy) or through Email PracticalComfort@yahoo.com Privacy will be respected.
If you miss our time of intercession you can still agree with us at your convience as we have recorded prayer sessions currently available in our Practical Comfort Prayer Archive on UStream.
Thankyou to all who support this Ministry of Intercession. Your help and agreement is greatly appreciated. Please email me and let me know how this ministry has blessed you and encouraged you. We stand untied in prayer until Jesus returns. Glory to God! Practicalcomfort@yahoo.com

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer On UStream 6pm Tonight.

Practical Comfort Prayer Intercession on UStream tonight 6PM
Practical Comfort Prayer on USTREAM.com.
The chat room will be open about 5:30 pm.
Live Audio will start at 6:00 pm.

Click on this link to enter the room as a guest:
(Sign in to type in prayer requests and participate in chat)
You can search Practical Comfort in USTREAM Channel Search
and Click on our Lion

Prayer Adgenda Tonight:
*Honoring God for His great work in us
*Releasing his people to press on to his Higher calling

Send prayer requests before 5:30 pm via Twitter @PCPrayer (DM for privacy) or through Email PracticalComfort@yahoo.com Privacy will be respected.
If you miss our time of intercession you can still agree with us at your convience as we have recorded prayer sessions currently available in our Practical Comfort Prayer Archive on UStream.
Thankyou to all who support this Ministry of Intercession. Your help and agreement is greatly appreciated. Please email me and let me know how this ministry has blessed you and encouraged you. We stand untied in prayer until Jesus returns. Glory to God! Practicalcomfort@yahoo.com

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer Intercession on UStream tonight 6PM

Practical Comfort Prayer on USTREAM.com.
The chat room will be open about 5:30 pm.
Live Audio will start at 6:00 pm.

Click on this link to enter the room as a guest:
(Sign in to type in prayer requests and participate in chat)
You can search Practical Comfort in USTREAM Channel Search and Click on our Lion

Prayer Adgenda tonight Release of :
*Honor to God for His Glory
*Revelation of the power of His Glory

Send prayer requests before 5:30 pm via Twitter @PCPrayer (DM for privacy) or through Email PracticalComfort@yahoo.com Privacy will be respected.
If you miss our time of intercession you can still agree with us at your convience as we have recorded prayer sessions currently available in our Practical Comfort Prayer Archive on UStream.
Thankyou to all who support this Ministry of Intercession. Your help and agreement is greatly appreciated. Please email me and let me know how this ministry has blessed you and encouraged you. We stand untied in prayer until Jesus returns. Glory to God! Practicalcomfort@yahoo.com

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer Intercession on UStream tonight 6PM

Join us tonight 6pm EST

Practical Comfort Prayer on USTREAM.com.
The chat room will be open about 5:30 pm.
Live Audio will start at 6:00 pm.

Click on this link to enter the room as a guest:
(Sign in to type in prayer requests and participate in chat)
You can search Practical Comfort in USTREAM Channel Search and Click on our Lion

Prayer Adgenda tonight:
Release of :
*The Blessing of Knowledge of God Upon those who Dont Know Him
*Releaseing Those that God is calling to from the Bondage of Deception

Send prayer requests before 5:30 pm via Twitter @PCPrayer (DM for privacy) or through Email PracticalComfort@yahoo.com Privacy will be respected.
If you miss our time of intercession you can still agree with us at your convience as we have recorded prayer sessions currently available in our Practical Comfort Prayer Archive on UStream.
I just want to give a special note of thankyou to all who have supported this Ministry of Intercession this past month. Your help and agreement is greatly appreciated. Please email me and let me know how this ministry has blessed you and encouraged you. We stand untied in prayer until Jesus returns. Glory to God! Practicalcomfort@yahoo.com

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer Room Open on UStream 6pm Eastern DST

Praying Down the Will of God
to Release God's Wisdom
into Earthly Situations
Intercession 10/27/09 for Practical Comfort Prayer
Live On Ustream
6pm eastern
Room opens 5:30pm
Sign into UStream to type in Prayer Requests
Or email Practicalcomfort@yahoo.com before 5:30 pm
Facebook people message before 5:30pm

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Live Prayer 6pm Practical Comfort Prayer on UStream Tonight

Calling for the Outpouring of God's Compassion
Removing the Barriers to God’s Love
Intercession 10/20/09 for Practical Comfort Prayer
Live On Ustream
6pm eastern
Room opens 5:30pm
Sign into UStream to type in Prayer Requests
Or email Practicalcomfort@yahoo.com before 5:30 pm
Facebook people message before 5:30pm

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer and Intercession tonight Live on USTREAM

Join us tonight 6pm EDST
Practical Comfort Prayer on USTREAM.com.
The chat room will be open about 5:30 pm.
Live Audio will start at 6:00 pm.

Click on this link to enter the room as a guest:
(Sign in to type in prayer requests and participate in chat)
You can search Practical Comfort in USTREAM Channel Search and Click on our Lion

Send prayer requests before 5:30 pm via Twitter @PCPrayer (DM for privacy) or through Email PracticalComfort@yahoo.com Privacy will be respected.
If you miss our time of intercession you can still agree with us at your convience as we have recorded prayer sessions currently available in our Practical Comfort Prayer Archive.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Call to Prayer : PracticalComfort Prayer Live on Ustream.com

Join us tonight 6pm EDST
Practical Comfort Prayer on USTREAM.com.
The chat room will be open about 5:30 pm.
Live Audio will start at 6:00 pm.

Click on this link to enter the room as a guest:http://www.ustream.tv/channel/practicalcomfortprayer
(Sign in to type in prayer requests and participate in chat)
You can search Practical Comfort in USTREAM Channel Search and Click on our Lion

Send prayer requests before 5:30 pm via Twitter @PCPrayer (DM for privacy) or through Email PracticalComfort@yahoo.com Privacy will be respected.

**** **** ****
UPDATE: Our First Night In The New Online Live Venue:
What a wonderful prayer time we had last Tuesday night. And so many people who had tried to get in to the Paltalk room now found that its easy to listen on UStream. They dont even have to sign in to listen.
I received a lot of comments about our slide show. The lion was a painting I had done on commission 2008 and we use the image now to represent the Greatest Intercessor, the Lion of Judah, Christ Jesus our Savior. As a result of the popularity of this Lion I have been asked to paint another. Watch this space for updates on that one. Just for some background The original Oil Painting is now in the posession of the Lions Club of Del Rio Texas. Yes it was prayed over so that all that look upon it would be blessed with the knowledge of The Saving Grace of Christ Jesus so that many would receive their Gift of Salvation
In Additon to our Live Prayers we can now also record our prayer sessions so that anyone who missed the live intercession can agree with us at their convience through the recorded sessions.
Since this is all so new, Please let us know what your experience was, and tell us what you would like to see in the future.

**** **** ****
Prayer Adgenda
Restoration of Truth among ministries,churches,and believers
~so that the word of God would be rightly divided.
~ so that by releasing truth into the Body of Christ it would raising up believers who not only trust God but they have relationship to God
~So that Believers are not simply working for God but they are praying down the will of God
~ So that will be totally yielded to the Holy Spirit becoming vessels for his purposes.
~ and that when we yield that God's Holy Spirit will no longer be crushed but that it will be poured out on all man kind in a move of God that has never been seen before on the earth.

Pray for an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the countries of the world that every person who calls upon the name of the Lord will be taught by him and will love him and besaved through Christ Jesus: Israel USA (please add more as God puts them on your heart)

Prayers for:
Media of all sorts
Information Agencies
Think Tanks
Research Organizations
Policy makers
And all others who testify, make reports and try to mold the thinking of people

Let us Prayers Prayers Like Esther:

We know that God has ordained some things but we are not with out resources and recourse: Like the Prayers of Esther, we can pray: “Lord show us favor that we might be defended and come out victorious in the day of destruction. For you are the Lord our God and we will put our trust in you. Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

Raise up among the unbelievers advocates and protectors for the righteous that they would be protected in the days of distruction that lay ahead of us. That God's people might be preserved, serve and complete their assignments with out hindrece or delay.

Blessing :
Pour out Blessings of Joy on all who have called upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that they might endure in faith, courage, and boldness even until the Day of the Lord has been fulfilled. For we are Victorious over Sin Satan and Death already in Christ Jesus.

Monday, September 28, 2009

New Venue for Tuesday Night USTREAM

Practical Comfort Prayer will be meeting for a test run in our new venue on Tuesday September 29, 2009. We will be using USTREAM.

You can link in here: Practical Comfort Prayer

If you can get there early or prior to our opening and sign up for Ustream you can log in that way. Or if you prefer you can log in through twitter. Remember if you sign in through twitter you posts will be fed in to your twitter account live. If you dont want to become a member of Ustream you can join us as a guest.

If you are a member of Ustream and Twitter you can follow us on both.

The easiest way to log in is through our link on Twitter.

Please message me in Facebook or email me at practicalcomfort@yahoo.com remember I wont be able to answer emails after 5pm on Tuesdays. Prayer requests must be received in email by 5:30pm Tuesday.

Im really excited about trying out this new venue and I am trusting God that it will work better for us. Blessings to all. Join us if you can. =0)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Due to Technical Difficulties I will not be hosting Live Prayer tonight. Here is this weeks Prayer Adgenda

Tonights Prayer Agenda:

*Worship and Praise
*Intercession for according to those that God puts in your heart:
-Ministries and Missions
-Colleges, Universities and Educational institutions
-Governments and Leadership
-Those who serve and protect

Honduran Situation:

Praying for all the Christian’s there. For protection over the children of those who have to work out of the country to support their families. Release the Holy Spirit of revival upon this country and provide protection for the people and the ministries based there. Let the truth be known and the corrupt be replaced with Merciful and Just Law Makers and Warriors. Let the weak be defended and let the lands of the unrighteous who do not repent of their atrocities be given to the righteous to use for the purposes of God. Raise up advocates internationally who will support these people and their constitution.

Prayers for Israel :

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, not by the hand of politicians, but by the hand of the Living God who gives life and death. Let all the secrets be revealed because God is the God of secretes revealed. Give strength to the leaders of Israel especially, to BeBee Netanyahu, Let him stand by the hand and power of the Living God and let him not grow weary. Have mercy on those who love Israel and stand with Israel. Let Israel not be divided. Let those who Love God live and those who refuse to repent be removed as road blocks to the will of God, and be as though they had never been here.

Prayers for USA and all her Allies:

~Prayer that the light of truth be shown in all the halls of government and justice. We call on God the revealer of Secrets that every corruption be revealed and let those who don’t repent and make restitution be removed from office.

~Raise up young bold advocates of truth and justice, tempered by mercy and filled with love for their country. Let the young advocates of truth be protected as they do their job. Let all Patriots be inspired by their courage and let them stand for Justice and Mercy even to the halls of Justice. Bring about restoration and protection of the rights of the people.
~ Let the citizens of this country live in peace and pursue their own happiness in prosperity health.

~Raise up advocates for the people of the citizens, the poor and the orphans, the weak and disabled and those who have sacrificed and saved. Let their work be protected and let each and every American thrive in freedom.

~Let there be protection of the Republic and not a usurping of rights and a replacement of our history or our laws with laws of strange lands, cultures, or ideologies that seek to destroy the historical and moral foundations of the country.

~Remove all from power and influence who would lead the people and the children into immorality and deceptions.

~Restore the faith of the people and prepare their hearts so that when they hear the word of God they will receive it and walk in love and the fullness of God’s promises to them

Also Pray that God would :

* Prevent the passage of laws that would diminish the prosperity of the country as a whole while favoring a few with special interests. Prevent the passage of laws that would provide for forced indoctrination of children and ursurp the rights of parents to decide their children’s destiny.

*Prevent the passage of laws that crush freedom of expression and journalistic freedom.

*Prevent the passage of laws that would tear down systems that work and replace them with untried systems when adjustments are all that are needed.

* Prevent the passage of laws that would allow the government to invade the privacy of the citizens instead of protecting that privacy. And prevent laws that would allow the singling out of righteous and holy people for persecution.

*prevent the passage of laws that would favor liars, thieves, embezzlers, slavers, swindlers, power mongers, corruptions of all kind and also those laws that promote immorality and the destruction of innocence in of any in our land and the lands of our allies.

*Prevent the passage of laws that would create a vast majority of our population to become dependent upon the state.

*Prevent the passage of laws that would cause churches , ministries and other non government approved non profits to go out of business through tariffs and taxes on the organizations and those that give to the organizations.

*Pray that God would raise up righteous holy men and women of God , who know God’s voice, who have relationship with God and who lead others to do so, so that the source of the supply of the people of God is God. Raise up advocates in high places that favor the people of God and protect their God given rights.

Let us Prayers Prayers Like Esther:

We know that God has ordained some things but we are not with out resources and recourse: Like the Prayers of Esther, we can pray: “Lord show us favor that we might be defended and come out victorious in the day of destruction. For you are the Lord our God and we will put our trust in you. Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

Pray for an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit on these countries that every person who calls upon the name of the Lord will be taught by him and will love him and besaved through Christ Jesus:
(please add more as God puts them on your heart)

France, England, Indonesia, Burundi, India, Brazil, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Mozambique, Darfur, Australia, Kenya, South Africa, Republic of Congo, Somalia, Ireland, Philippines, China, Pakistan, Argentina, Czechoslovakia, New Zealand, New South Wales, Honduras, South and North Korea, Afganistan, Georgia,

Other Requests:

I know that there are many other prayer requests. Please email me and let me know what your concern is and I will pray for them as I get them and pass them on if you like. You can contact me through Facebook or through Practicalcomfort@yahoo.com


Lord, Bless all who love you and are called to your purposes. Thank you for blessing this prayer time and protecting your intercessors and watchmen. We trust you , we love you for you are our God and we love to be loved by you. Lord we ask special mercy on the end time witnesses that they would be strengthened and not falter in the face of the enemy.

Thank you, Lord, for allowing us to pray your will down. We ask that you open your heaven and break out revival and restoration upon this world to all who call upon your name that we might be saved and restored into your favor and presence. In Jesus Mighty and Holy Name we ask these things.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Join Us Live tonight Practical Comfort Prayer Room on Paltalk 6pm ESDT

Tonights Prayer Agenda:

*Worship and Praise
*Intercession for
-Ministries and Missions
-Colleges, Universities and Educational institutions
-Governments and Leadership
-Those who serve and protect

Prayers for Israel

Prayers for USA,France, Briton, Indonesia, Burundi, India, Brazil, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Mozambique, Darfur, Australia,Kenya, South Africa, Republic of Congo, Somalia, India, Philippines, China, Pakistan, Argentina, Czechoslovakia, New Zealand, New South Wales, Honduras, South and North Korea, Afganistan, Georgia

Prayer Requests:
If you have a prayer request please submit it via email before 5:30 pm to PracticalComfort@Yahoo.com

Please Join us at 6:00 pm ESDT
Practical Comfort Prayer Room on Paltalk under Religion/Christianity
Room opens about 5:30 pm
You can also click the paltalk link on this page and it will take you right into the room when it is open.

If you cant make it in the room then please agree with us where you are.

One last request: Please pray for me. .. Im still under the weather. Thanks =:0)

About the painting on the right:
This is the newest of my worship paintings.
"Ponies of Blessing:
Prosperity, Health and Wisdom"

I hope to be offering prints of it to anyone wishing to help support this ministry with a donation. This will provide us with additional back up support and replacement electronic equipment we will need in the future. The Original is currently for sale on Etsy.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tonights Prayer 6pm EDST Practical Comfort Prayer on Paltalk

Practical Comfort Prayer Room on Paltalk
opens at 5:30 pm EDST
Prayers Begin at 6 pm

Come join us for:
*Prayers of Praise and adoration to our loving God
*Prayers of thanksgiving for what he has done for us and his faithfulness.
We will be praying down the will of God
on the USA and Her Allies
Intercession for :
-the lost, the hurt, the abandonded and the out cast.
- the people of God
- the youth of our nations
- Pastors and their families
- Israel and the people who love her
- Countries and People in Crisis
- our Presidents and those who govern us
If you have specific prayer requests please email me at practicalcomfort@yahoo.com before 5:30 pm EDST. Or message me through facebook mail.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer Room 6pm EDST Paltalk

Practical Comfort Prayer Room
on Paltalk
opens at 5:30 pm EDST
Prayers Begin at 6 pm
Come join us for:
*Prayers of Praise and adoration to our loving God
*Prayers of thanksgiving for what he has done for us and his faithfulness.
Intercession for :
-the lost, the hurt, the abandonded and the out cast.
- the people of God
- the youth of our nations
- Pastors and their families
- Israel and the people who love her
- Countries and People in Crisis
- our President and those who govern us
If you have specific prayer requests please email me at practicalcomfort@yahoo.com before 5:30 pm EDST. Or message me through facebook mail.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer Room 6pm Paltalk Tonight

This week God has put it on my heart that we need to take the first steps of Revival to the next level. So we are going to start the prayer process in our group. I know our Holy Spirit has already begun instructing other prayer groups through out the world to also prayer this way.

We must not fail to put on the full armor of God. We cannot even begin to do that with all the left over bondages and attatchments hindering our lives. So tonight we are going to Set The Captives Free! By obediently going through the repentance process God's Spirit will be released into all of these many crisis situations.

This will light the fire of revial among those who call themselves Christian when the Spiritual Blazes grow to their full release then God's Spirit, will move among the people and light the way for those who are seeking but dont yet know God.

If the picture isnt clear enough as I describe it here, then come join us tonight at 6 PM in Paltalk Practical Comfort Prayer Room on Paltalk. 6pm ESDT.

Room opens about 5:30 pm.
Prayer requests are taken at practicacomfort@yahoo.com until 5:30 pm
You can also follow us in twitter: PCPrayer
And On FaceBook: Practical Comfort Prayer Group

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Prayers Start at 6pm Paltalk: Practical Comfort Prayer Room

Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,

What a week it has been and challenging from an emotional and spiritual standpoint.

A Prayer for Intercessors:

God will open the doors and windows and every avenue to this prayer adgenda being spread throughout the world to prayer warriors and intercessors to pray down your will on earth as it is in heaven.

WE ask in the name of Jesus, that Satan and his armies will be blinded and deafened to the our righteous actions and words except those that God directs us to command in the name of Jesus regarding them.

Lord God, Protect our prayer times, our computers, our resources, our families, our businesses, and our righteous fellowships showing us favor as we are obedient to you, and mercy when we mess up.

Thank you Lord that all who read this will be and become poured out Lovers of YOU, Blessed, redeemed, righteous, faithful and favored. In Jesus Mighty Holy Name.. Fill us with a new anointing of your Holy Spirit break off all the damaged and unusable parts and give us more and more of yourself until we are a continuous flowing stream of your love.

We thank you for your mercy and love in Jesus Name.. Amen.

Thanksgiving and Mercy:

Over the weekend yet another young preacher’s child was killed as the result of a car wreck. This time in the family and church was in Tennessee. This young man’s memorial service is this afternoon. We need to keep this family, church, and community in prayer as God brings them healing, restoration, peace and a new legacy is released into the world because another young lover of Jesus Christ has been removed.

People all over the world prayed for this family through contacts on twitter that were not there a year ago when locally the 17 year old daughter of a Pastor friend of our family met the same fate. Lift up and thank God for every one who got the message out including Facebook, Twitter and all those other applications for social networking and their staffs.

On Tonight's Adgenda:

#1 Pastor’s families, and families of Missionaries and ministries, including prayer warriors all over the world that as they are obedient to God and living a life of leadership and righteousness that their families will be protected, have favor and provision as never before. We will be praying also for families of those who have also suffered loss and harm that God will restore them, redeem the time lost and provide for them in a supernatural way so there will be no lack. Comfort those who have lost loved ones and restore joy.

#2 Young women and men who have given their hearts to Jesus and are now under death threats from their own families as a result. We ask God to bless them with Boldness to do the will of God, Confidence, Provision, A double portion of Favor from God and people, Protection and restoration of family life, forgiveness and that their families might know the living loving God through Christ Jesus.

#3 Warfare against Militant Spirits who have evaded every aspect of life through out the world. We will be binding and loosing these especially in the USA and Israel.

#4 There are many women in this country who are disenfranchised from their families and have been abandoned by husbands and children. Some of these are facing life changes that they cannot cope with. They are feeling abandoned, hopeless, and without an advocate. We will be lifting these women up and asking that God will not only heal and provide for them but will rise up Godly advocates to protect and provide for these women them. To those who have no families give them families; to those who have no protectors give them protectors; to those who need help managing daily lifes; give them helpers; to those can find no purpose give them purpose, to those who have no provisions give them bounty that overflows. Give them more of you Lord God, ever more of you!

#5 Homeless and Unemployed and all the organizations and agencies that help them.

Israel, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Honduras, New Zeal, USA, Briton, Ireland, Portugal, China, Japan, Both Koreas, Philippines , Egypt, Congo, Kenya, South Africa, Chili, Cuba, Canada, New Mexico, Island, Burundi, Mozambique ,France, Jordan, India, Viet Nam

Prayer Requests:
We also take requests. And anyone who is in the room today will be prayed for as well. You can make known your request at practicalcomfort@yahoo.com before 5:30pm today.

Prayer Time:
Room opens about 5:30pm EDST. Prayers start at 6 pm and we go until about 7pm Just click the link on the left and it will take you right into the Paltalk room when it is open.
Please if you are new to the room don’t forget to read the protocols. If you are interested in training as a substitute or a prayer leader please e-mail me.

United in One heart, One mind, One Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus,

P.S.Don'f forget to feed the fishes <*})))<

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Beautiful and Hot is the Day.. And We are Praying at 6pm!

Come Join Us for prayer tonight in Paltalk. Practical Comfort Prayer meets at 6pm. The room opens around 5:30pm EDST We start Prayer at 6pm.

Tonight after prayers we are going to have our first voice testamony time. This is open for everyone to attend. Sharing should be done only by those who have prayed with us before. Please limit mic time to 5min each so everyone can share.

If you cant be in the room and would like us to pray for you please email me at PracticalComfort@yahoo.com prior to 5:30pm

On Tonights Adgenda:

We will be praying and doing warfare for the following groups of people:

*Homeschoolers, Christian Schoolers and their families
*Families in Crisis having lost their homes, their jobs
* Young Mothers who have been in bondage to alcohol, drugs, and abusive boyfriends putting them and their children in crisis
* Family Caregivers who have to now give full time care to a parent or relative and work a fulltime job or have other responsibilites in addition.

Persons with the Following Deseases:
Cancers of all types
Auto immune Deseases
Dental Problems
Sycle cell Anemia

Outreach Ministries to the Poor
Prayer Ministries

North Korea

China, Tiwan, India, Japan, Indonesia, Malamar

Prayers for Hawii and their drought.

Warfare Prayers about the health care bill and our leaders.

We will also be interceeding for each other and for those of you who have been prevented from entering in with us.
Thank you all for lifting us up in prayer. May God bless you for your faithfulness.

Remember if you are already a member of paltalk you can click the paltalk link on the left when the room is open and it will take you right into the room.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Prayer tonight at 6PM EDST

Dear Friends, Prayer Warriors, And Partners,

Thank you so much for your support of this effort. As you know we have had some problems with our venue. Well thats just one of the major reasons to keep on doing it. No person of God does anything with out coming against some opposition. The more we are opposed the more those who need our prayers are revealed. Glory to God for the faithfulness of all who are praying with us at this time no matter whether they can get into the room or not.

And thus we move forward!God going before us to clear the way and protect us from behind!

Having said this I had a very interesting Word from the Lord this morning I would like to share with you. Feel free to click this link to read it.
A Word: "Indulgences" or go to :http://tinyurl.com/n9do62

Again Join us this evening in PalTalk the room is PC Prayer Room under Religion or click the link to the left here and when the room is open it should take you right to the room if you are a member of Paltalk.
The room opens a little after 5:30pm and Prayer starts at 6pm
Usually we go for 50 min to an hour.
If you have a prayer request please email us at:
PracticalComfort@yahoo.com prior to 5:30

Blessings to all who's God is the Lord God Almighty, The creator of all that is, who embrace the salvation and sacrifice of Christ Jesus, and who pray for the peace of Israel.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer Room Opens at 6pm EDST

Everyone is welcome to join us for prayer this evening. I know that some of you have not been able to enter the room or stay in paltalk with out having troubles. Please pray that God would give us a new voice and chat venue.

The rest of you.. Please join with us. The room opens a little after 5: 30 pm and Prayer beings at 6pm. We usually run for an hour. Please remember to email your prayer requests to : practicalcomfort@yahoo.com before 5:30 pm . Hope to see you tonight.

Oh BTW. Our Lion is missing because Paltalk is doing some maintanance. Hopefully we will have him back soon.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Prayer Today 6 pm EDST Paltalk: PracticalComfort-Prayer Room

Come join us as we pray and intercede for Christians and non-Christians throughout the world. We will be proclaiming blessing over of God's people and Declaring over President Barack Obama.
We also will be praying over those with certian types of cancers and other illnessess as the Holy Spirit leads us.
All who come will be prayed for in the room.

If you can't be there please intercede for us. We also take prayer requests at practicalcomfort@yahoo.com up until 5:45pm est Tuesday July 21 for this weeks session. Names of those request will be kept confidential.

Additional Intercession will be made for Israel, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, Poland,Georgia, Mauritania, Liberia, Congo, Brazil, Peru, Honduras, Philippines, Singapore, Australia, USA, NZ, Britain, India, China, both Koreas, Japan, Pakistan, Russia, France, Spain,Cuba, Haiti

PracticalComfort Prayer Room on paltalk will be open between 5:30 and 5:20 depending on server access. If you are already a member of paltalk you can access the room by clicking on the lion at the left.

Come and join us in intercession. All are welcome.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What a wonderful prayer time we had last Tuesday evening with 4 new people. And one is an artist/intercessor just like me. Welcome to you all.

Join Us for Prayer Tonight , Tuesday July 14th at 6pm EDST on Paltalk. Just click the Lion on the left to join in if you are already a member of Paltalk. When we are online it will take you right to the room. If you are not a member of Paltalk just click the Lion to join Paltalk for free.

Our room is under Religion/Christianity/Practical Comfort Prayer.
We welcome every one and will prayer for everyone who comes in.

Tonight we will be praying for Both Koreas, Usa, New Zealand, Australia, Israel, Mozambique, Kenya, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, China,Iran, Iraq, Honduras, Burundi, Jordan, and India, as well as proclaiming about cancer and financial troubles for people across the world.

We also pray for everyone who enters the room as God directs us. If you have a specific request please email us at PracticalComfort@yahoo.com before 5:30 est. Prayer requests come in the order in which they were received. If you can’t be there please pray for us!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer on Paltalk Live at 6pm EDST

Everyone is welcome to our paltalk room to fellowship through intercession. If you haven't signed up for paltalk come in a little early sign up for free. The room opens about 5:30pm and we begin praying right at 6pm on the dot.

If you have specific prayer requests but cant be there online at that time then you can email us at practicalcomfort@yahoo.com prior to 5:30pm. Everyone in the room will be prayed over in Holy Spirit led prayer. Remember We keep confidences and protect privacy when we pray.

We will also be praying for people regarding healing from spiritual and emotional wounds of criticism, blessing people to overcome lack and to receive healing.

We are also recruiting for prayer leaders. This ministry is all volunteer. For leadership requirements and training please email me.

When you are ready to enter the room on paltalk just click on the Lion at the left it will take you right into the room when we are open.

Just a word of reminder. Last week we had some technical problems with the room. Some of you couldn't get in. I am very hopeful that this week that issue has been solved. See you this evening.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer On Paltalk

Join Us Tuesday Evenings at 6pm EDST on Paltalk. Just click the Lion on the left to join in if you are already a member of Paltalk. When we are online it will take you right to the room. If you are not a member of Paltalk just click the Lion to join paltalk for free.
Our room is under Religion/Christianity.
We welcome every one and will prayer for everyone who comes in. See you there!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Introduction and Protocols for Pratical Comfort Prayer

Practical Comfort Is a 4 year old intercession and encouragement ministry of Linda L. Martin. Ms Martin resides in Rural North Central Virginia and has been an active Prayer Warrior, Prayer Coach, Intercessor and giving encouragement to Christian’s since 2005.

“Many years ago I was isolated and alone caring for my grandmother with Alzheimer’s. With so much time on my hands I realized that I had something that every Christian wishes for: enough time to read the Bible and seek to know God better. It was during that time that God inspired me to become a prayer warrior. Part of that call was to bind the wounds of the broken hearted, wipe away their tears and help them renew their hope.”

"I feel that in these trying and uncertain times this is exactly the kind of help and encouragement that people need."
Practical Comfort Prayer is the group for those who feel the need to join together in prayer with other believers. It is also for those people who feel fearful, or desperate and in need of hope. They want to reach out to God, but they don’t feel that church as usual is going to be of help to them.

Everyone who comes will receive prayer and encouragement. Everyone who comes will be welcome to participate with us in prayers of agreement. I will gladly mentor anyone desiring to become a helper in this ministry or who just wishes to improve their communication with God.
Group and Room Protocols:Our room is set up a bit differently than discussion, chat or music rooms. In this room will be the action of God led Intercession, proclamation and declarations.

-During the Hours of prayer, only the Prayer leader will be on mic.
-Prayers will begin on the Hour and will continue until ended by the decision of the leader (usually one hour)
-Room participants will be able to respond through text and through the raising of hands.
-All participants are expected to be respectful and focused on the task at hand. -During the prayer hours all participants should refrain from instant messaging, as it is distracting.
-Prayer hours should not be used for Chat or Fellowship. We will try to schedule a fellowship time once a month.

Prayer Requests:-Prayer requests should be emailed prior to 15 min of the start of the prayer session. Email all prayer requests to: practicalcomfort@yahoo.com
-Prayer requests will be prayed in the order in which they were received.

-For those who can’t email prior to the Prayer time there will be a few moments for typed requests at the end of each prayer time.

-Persons wishing to keep their requests private may email practicalcomfort@yahoo.com Please put : “private prayer request” in the subject line. I will personally read your request, pray for you and as led by God will email you a typed prayer.

-Please do not post any prayer requests on the group discussion boards. These boards will be used for general information, instruction and for praise reports to help build the faith of those who read them.

-From time to time we will be making proclamations and declarations of faith over people and circumstances. Copies will be available on occasion for use in home and church prayer groups.
Other resources will also available.

Disruptive Behavior in room:As Led by God, I have been instructed to look on disruptive and confrontational behavior and those people who don’t follow either the flow of the room or the protocols as people crying out for help from God and needing to be lifted up with love in prayer.

1st offence:They will be red dotted on the first offense while we are in prayer for them.
2nd offence:Upon the second offense they will be red dotted and bounced.
3rd offence:Third time offenders will be banned from the room for a minimum of 10 days. The only response of communication we will give to those who disrupt is to pray for them in love and mercy.

Just a note: I look at gossip as being a disruptive behavior. There is no room for it in a Ministry of Intercession.
We respect the privacy and confidentiality of all who visit our group and room and anyone who deliberately breaks that sacred trust risks being banned with out warning.

How can I become active in the Practical Comfort Prayer Group and Intercession Ministry?

Anyone and Everyone is welcome to receive ministry with us.
*Person’s who wish to participate in a training roll with the idea of ministering along side us must meet the following requirements:
1. They must be believers of the Lord Jesus Christ and show maturity and fruits of their faith
2. They must have a working knowledge of the Bible and a desire to learn more
3. They must be faithful in attendance and participation of room and group activities; especially training activities.
4. They must show themselves open to mentoring and correction
5. They must either have or develop an intimate relationship with God, so they can recognize God’s voice and act upon it. This is the only way an intercessor can pray down the Kingdom of Heaven and God’s will into the lives of those who desire and request ministry.
Anyone interested in training for this ministry can email me at practicalcomfort@yahoo.com Simply write “prayer ministry” in the subject line to assure that I will see it.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Our First Intercession Session

Practical Comfort Prayer's first intercession and encouragement session wiil be held on paltalk on June 23, 2003 at 6 PM EDST. If you would like to participte with us please just click on the lion at the left and sign up and down load PalTalk. It takes a few moments to sign up and download if you arent a member so please get there prior to 6:00PM The room will be opened as close to 5:45 as possible.

This is the direct room address on paltalk if you are already a member.


You can also access the room by going to Paltalk rooms / Religion and Spirituality/ Christianity/Practical Comfort Prayer Room

I hope to have a proceedures post up at some point so people can understand how better to participate in this activity.Those who have prayer requests will be prayed for either through email or online during our Practical Comfort Prayer session.

We will also be praying for OBama and Isreal as well as any Christians around the world that God puts in our hearts to pray for.

Please pray for us that God will protect both our time and our equipment as we do his will.
Thanks cant wait to see you there. ~L