Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer on Paltalk Live at 6pm EDST

Everyone is welcome to our paltalk room to fellowship through intercession. If you haven't signed up for paltalk come in a little early sign up for free. The room opens about 5:30pm and we begin praying right at 6pm on the dot.

If you have specific prayer requests but cant be there online at that time then you can email us at practicalcomfort@yahoo.com prior to 5:30pm. Everyone in the room will be prayed over in Holy Spirit led prayer. Remember We keep confidences and protect privacy when we pray.

We will also be praying for people regarding healing from spiritual and emotional wounds of criticism, blessing people to overcome lack and to receive healing.

We are also recruiting for prayer leaders. This ministry is all volunteer. For leadership requirements and training please email me.

When you are ready to enter the room on paltalk just click on the Lion at the left it will take you right into the room when we are open.

Just a word of reminder. Last week we had some technical problems with the room. Some of you couldn't get in. I am very hopeful that this week that issue has been solved. See you this evening.


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