Tuesday, January 12, 2010

LIVE! Practical Comfort Intercession Tonight on UStream 6PM

Practical Comfort Prayer Intercession

The chat room will be open about 5:30 pm. EST
Live Audio will start at 6:00 pm. EST
Click on this link to enter the room as a guest:
(Sign in to type in prayer requests and participate in chat)
You can search Practical Comfort in
USTREAM Channel Search
and Click on our Lion

Prayer Agenda Tonight:
Please remember that this is the order of our Meeting tonight
*Call to Worship
*Worshiping God from James
* Intercession for the Body of Christ From James
* Intercession Churches and their Leaders for their Nations
*Requests for Prayer

In addition to emailed prayer requests we also allow those in the room to type in their request at this time.

A note to first time participants:
if you have prayer requests please make them prior to entering the room
via email or twitter or type them in the chat frame at the appropriate time.
We do not spend time discussing problems or details of circumstances.
Our focus is completely on Prayer and praying down the will of God for the entire time period.
Send prayer requests before 5:30 pm via Twitter @PCPrayer (DM for privacy) or through Email PracticalComfort@yahoo.com Privacy will be respected.
If you miss our time of intercession you can still agree with us at your convenience as we have recorded prayer sessions currently available in our Practical Comfort Prayer Archive on UStream.
Thank you to all who support this Ministry of Intercession. Your help and agreement is greatly appreciated. Please email me and let me know how this ministry has blessed you and encouraged you. We stand untied in prayer until Jesus returns. Glory to God!
Are you on Facebook? You can join our fan page there for weekly updates. Come on and Fan us at:
Practical Comfort Prayer