Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer Room Open on UStream 6pm Eastern DST

Praying Down the Will of God
to Release God's Wisdom
into Earthly Situations
Intercession 10/27/09 for Practical Comfort Prayer
Live On Ustream
6pm eastern
Room opens 5:30pm
Sign into UStream to type in Prayer Requests
Or email Practicalcomfort@yahoo.com before 5:30 pm
Facebook people message before 5:30pm

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Live Prayer 6pm Practical Comfort Prayer on UStream Tonight

Calling for the Outpouring of God's Compassion
Removing the Barriers to God’s Love
Intercession 10/20/09 for Practical Comfort Prayer
Live On Ustream
6pm eastern
Room opens 5:30pm
Sign into UStream to type in Prayer Requests
Or email Practicalcomfort@yahoo.com before 5:30 pm
Facebook people message before 5:30pm

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Practical Comfort Prayer and Intercession tonight Live on USTREAM

Join us tonight 6pm EDST
Practical Comfort Prayer on USTREAM.com.
The chat room will be open about 5:30 pm.
Live Audio will start at 6:00 pm.

Click on this link to enter the room as a guest:
(Sign in to type in prayer requests and participate in chat)
You can search Practical Comfort in USTREAM Channel Search and Click on our Lion

Send prayer requests before 5:30 pm via Twitter @PCPrayer (DM for privacy) or through Email PracticalComfort@yahoo.com Privacy will be respected.
If you miss our time of intercession you can still agree with us at your convience as we have recorded prayer sessions currently available in our Practical Comfort Prayer Archive.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Call to Prayer : PracticalComfort Prayer Live on Ustream.com

Join us tonight 6pm EDST
Practical Comfort Prayer on USTREAM.com.
The chat room will be open about 5:30 pm.
Live Audio will start at 6:00 pm.

Click on this link to enter the room as a guest:http://www.ustream.tv/channel/practicalcomfortprayer
(Sign in to type in prayer requests and participate in chat)
You can search Practical Comfort in USTREAM Channel Search and Click on our Lion

Send prayer requests before 5:30 pm via Twitter @PCPrayer (DM for privacy) or through Email PracticalComfort@yahoo.com Privacy will be respected.

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UPDATE: Our First Night In The New Online Live Venue:
What a wonderful prayer time we had last Tuesday night. And so many people who had tried to get in to the Paltalk room now found that its easy to listen on UStream. They dont even have to sign in to listen.
I received a lot of comments about our slide show. The lion was a painting I had done on commission 2008 and we use the image now to represent the Greatest Intercessor, the Lion of Judah, Christ Jesus our Savior. As a result of the popularity of this Lion I have been asked to paint another. Watch this space for updates on that one. Just for some background The original Oil Painting is now in the posession of the Lions Club of Del Rio Texas. Yes it was prayed over so that all that look upon it would be blessed with the knowledge of The Saving Grace of Christ Jesus so that many would receive their Gift of Salvation
In Additon to our Live Prayers we can now also record our prayer sessions so that anyone who missed the live intercession can agree with us at their convience through the recorded sessions.
Since this is all so new, Please let us know what your experience was, and tell us what you would like to see in the future.

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Prayer Adgenda
Restoration of Truth among ministries,churches,and believers
~so that the word of God would be rightly divided.
~ so that by releasing truth into the Body of Christ it would raising up believers who not only trust God but they have relationship to God
~So that Believers are not simply working for God but they are praying down the will of God
~ So that will be totally yielded to the Holy Spirit becoming vessels for his purposes.
~ and that when we yield that God's Holy Spirit will no longer be crushed but that it will be poured out on all man kind in a move of God that has never been seen before on the earth.

Pray for an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the countries of the world that every person who calls upon the name of the Lord will be taught by him and will love him and besaved through Christ Jesus: Israel USA (please add more as God puts them on your heart)

Prayers for:
Media of all sorts
Information Agencies
Think Tanks
Research Organizations
Policy makers
And all others who testify, make reports and try to mold the thinking of people

Let us Prayers Prayers Like Esther:

We know that God has ordained some things but we are not with out resources and recourse: Like the Prayers of Esther, we can pray: “Lord show us favor that we might be defended and come out victorious in the day of destruction. For you are the Lord our God and we will put our trust in you. Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

Raise up among the unbelievers advocates and protectors for the righteous that they would be protected in the days of distruction that lay ahead of us. That God's people might be preserved, serve and complete their assignments with out hindrece or delay.

Blessing :
Pour out Blessings of Joy on all who have called upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that they might endure in faith, courage, and boldness even until the Day of the Lord has been fulfilled. For we are Victorious over Sin Satan and Death already in Christ Jesus.